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Ritualistic Committee


11 O'Clock Toast

Official Contest Rules

Contestants must be the elected Lodge Exalted Ruler.


Contestant must provide a candidate of choice.


Contestants and Candidates must position themselves in the same position as they do there ritual.


The “TOAST” must be given as printed on the Official Judges form.


The Contestant will be introduced by the chairman and be given an opportunity to compose themselves.


When the contestant is ready, the chairman will ring the eleven chimes, and proudly say “it is the hour of recollection”.


Dress will be Sport (or State) Jacket and Tie. Or Dress /Business Suit


Judges will mark the contestant in the same manner as they do in the regular Ritual Contest.


Judges will grade the contestant on the basis of WORD ACURRACY (30%), PRONUNCIATION (10%), and IMPRESSIVENESS (60%).


Only the Official Judges form is to be used in the contest.


The Judges shall be Grand Lodge Certified Judges.


Contestants may  remain in the room after competition but must be seated in the audience.


Scores are to be computed immediately after the conclusion of all contestants.


Scores and final results should be announced on the same day the contest took place in your District and at the State dinner on Saturday at the State Convention in May.


One winner from each district.


District Chairman to provide State Chairman with the winner’s name by March 30th.

Flag Charge

Official Contest Rules

All Leading Knights are eligible to participate.


Contestant must provide a candidate and flag.


The Flag Charge must be given as printed on the Official Judges form.


Contestant will be introduced by Chairman, and given an opportunity to compose himself.


When the contestant is ready, the chairman will give “three (3) raps of the gavel”. The contest starts when the contestant looks down at the flag. He will then go through the complete charge (following ritual guidelines), leave his station and present the flag to the candidate.


Dress Code will be Sport (or State) Jacket & tie or Dress / Business Suit.


Judging will be the same as the ritual contest, except that PRONOUNCIATION (10%), Word ACCURACY (30%), DEPORTMENT (10%), and IMPRESSIVENESS (50%).


Judges will mark in the same manner as the ritual contest.


Only official judges form is to be used.


All Judges shall be Grand Lodge Certified Judges.


Contestants may remain in the room after competition but must be seated in the audience.


Scores are to be computed immediately after the conclusion of all contestants.


Scores and final results should be announced on the same day the contest took place and at the State dinner at State Convention in May


District Chairman must provide State Ritual Chairman with the name of the district winner no later by March 31st.


District winner will compete at the Spring convention to determine state winner.


Computing will come from the flag Charge Computing Sheets.

State Committee Members

S. David DeStefano

Bridgeport, PA #714



James DeStefano

Bridgeport, PA #714



District Committee Members

Committee Person Name

Lodge Name





Committee Person Name

Lodge Name




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